If you look around your kitchen, chances are you are looking at numerous foods that can make you sick. In fact, some can KILL YOU!
These may surprise you. In fact I have 7 of the 10 in my house right now.
Foods like...
Almonds - Bitter (natural poison - hydrogen cyanide)
Nutmeg (natural hallucinogenic - nutmeg psychosis)
Potatoes (natural poison - Glycoalkaloids in stems & sprouts)
Cashews (natural poison must be steamed out)
Rhubarb (natural poison in stems - oxalic acid)
Cassava (natural poison - cyanide)
Fruit Seeds ((natural poison in pits & seeds)
Raw Honey (natural poison - grayanotoxin)
Tomatoes (natural poison in stems & leaves)
Tuna (high levels of mercury)
To see how these foods can kill you in more details, CLICK HERE.
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