Explore The Titanic's Spooky Side This Halloween; Orlando Weekly

If you haven't checked out the Titanic Exhibit on International Drive in Orlando, you're really missing out.

However, if you've just been waiting for the right time to visit this amazing display, now be that time.

For Halloween, the Titanic is bringing out it's spookiest stories.

CLICK FOR DETAILS: https://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2020/10/15/tales-from-titanic-explores-the-haunted-side-of-the-famous-doomed-ship-this-halloween

Set your alarms!

Tonight is the night for "Bill & Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure" reunion on YouTube.

It brings back everything we loved about the long running Universal Halloween Horror Night's production.

CLICK FOR BROADCAST DETAILS: https://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2020/10/20/universal-studios-orlando-cast-from-bill-and-teds-excellent-halloween-adventure-host-virtual-reunion-to-benefit-laid-off-comrades

We're still trying to get a group together for this year's special pre-Halloween showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center.

Sounds like fun, right???

CLICK FOR DETAILS:https://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2020/10/13/wayne-densch-performing-arts-center-to-screen-rocky-horror-picture-show-right-before-halloween

Okay, turn away if you're afraid.

This two headed snake is not a figment of your imagination.

They actually found it right here in Florida.

CLICK FOR PICS: https://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2020/10/21/rare-snake-with-two-heads-found-in-palm-harbor-florida

Please check out all of the stories at:www.OrlandoWeekly.com

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